Protecting Building Vulnerability
Stores are prime targets for burglary and break-in robbery. Through dark streets and easy-to-access alleys, thieves use any cover they can to distract from what they are targeting. Because you may be the next victim of a robbery or a burglary in your area, you should be aware of the precautionary measures that are available to lessen the impact of these two crimes.
To prevent burglary and break-ins, there are four things that every building owner should equip at the ground floor. These include:
Suitable Locks: Be sure to use the right kind of lock on your doors. In addition to being an obstacle to unwanted entry, a strong lock requires a burglar to use force to get into the store. Under standard burglary insurance policies, evidence of a forced entry is necessary to collect on burglary insurance.
Appropriate Alarm System: The silent central-station burglary alarm system gives your store the best protection. The reason: It does not notify the burglar as does the local alarm-such as a siren or bell-outside the store. A silent alarm alerts only the specialists who know how to handle burglaries.
Adequate Lighting: Outdoor lighting is another way to shield the store from burglary. Almost all store break-ins occur at night. Darkness conceals the burglar and gives him or her time to work. By floodlighting the outside of your store on all sides you can defeat many burglars.
Security Window Films: When used in exterior windows and interior display cases, windows equipped with security films deters burglars. It has a high tensile strength that allows it to take considerable beating and it is useful in areas with vandalism problems as well. Read more here.
Access control solutions, security cameras, and intrusion detection technology are important layers in a commercial building’s safety program. But investing in security or safety window films can offer protection that more traditional security systems often can’t. This includes protection from shards of flying glass upon impact. Whether breakage occurs as a result of a storm, vandalism, an active shooter situation, or even just an accident, it can cause major damage to the people and assets inside the building. With the protection of security window film, shattered glass remains largely intact, preventing it from becoming airborne.
When you think about your building’s most vulnerable areas, you should immediately think of your windows. Here’s why: They offer an easy point of entrance, can be obvious targets for vandals, and allow outsiders to see who’s inside the building and where they are.
There are more benefits than just these to consider. One of the best ways to deter someone trying to gain entry into your building is to increase their time of entry. Security films require so much effort, force, and time to penetrate that they cause excessive noise and significantly slow down a would-be intruder. In some cases, it may encourage criminals to stop trying if they experience a few failed attempts at breaking your windows. This extra time allows building occupants to respond and seek shelter or evacuate in an emergency situation.
Window films have other key benefits that can be combined with their increased security to make the overall cost expenditure very appealing. Security films can reduce the amount of visual light transmission – preventing intruders and people outside the building from seeing things or people inside – while also reducing heat and increasing comfort. But retaining interior radiant heat you also reduce your heating and cooling costs all at the same time.
If you’re looking for ways to better secure the exterior of your commercial building, security window film is a solution to consider. Integrating it as part of your commercial building’s overall safety and security plan may help control possible building intrusion and damage.
Do you have initiatives in place to keep tenants and occupants safe? We would love to hear from local Vancouver Island businesses on topics of occupant safety and building maintenance. Don’t be afraid to send us a note.