How Will Window Film Improve My Office?
January 14, 2020
These days, most people have an idea about the benefits of tinting a car, but few apply the same logic to their workspaces. When in fact, applying widow film to the exterior windows of office spaces can have huge benefits for the staff, as well as the building owners.
Below we give a quick breakdown of some of the benefits you could expect from window films, with links to more detailed articles. Give is a read, and then tell us what you think in the comments below.
Maybe 2020 is the year you decide to commit to going green. Window films create an enormous reduction in energy consumption for any building, meaning you will reduce your footprint and save money on energy bills.
- Skin Protection. Window films block over 99% of ultraviolet light from entering your building. That means that you can bask in the afternoon sun without having to worry about skin damage from UV exposure. Read more about this here.
- Reduced Glare. It can be frustrating to be forced to close your blinds so that you can see your computer monitor without annoying glare. Window film eliminates glare so you can enjoy natural light while comfortably working on your PC. Find more info about glare right here.
- Improved Privacy. From the outside, windows that have films on them are harder to see through. That means that you won’t feel like you are trapped in a fishbowl while sitting at your desk. Here is an article about interior privacy films for the workplace.
- Protection for Furnishings. This is similar to #2 – the same UV radiation that damages our skin will damage our furnishings and photos. Window films mean that the wood, upholstery, and pictures hanging in our workspace will remain undamaged. This is an article we wrote about fading furniture.
- Energy Savings. Maybe 2020 is the year you decide to commit to going green. Window films create an enormous reduction in energy consumption for any building, meaning you will reduce your footprint and save money on energy bills. That’s a win-win. We made a breakdown of window film ROI right here.
- Protection Against Broken Windows. In the event of extreme weather or an accident, windows can break. Slivers of razor sharp glass are an obvious hazard, especially when strong winds send them wizzing around at high velocities. Window film holds broken glass together in a single piece, meaning you don’t have to worry about shards. Last week we wrote an in-depth piece about how window films can hold windows together during catastrophe.
The benefits are obvious. To get started in retrofitting your building, or just to have some questions answered, simply check out our services page or send us a note – we’re always happy to hear from you.